Katedra Hungarystyki

Polski | English | Magyar | Suomi

The department

The Department of Hungarian Studies has been continuously involved in research and teaching since 1952. It is a center of Hungarian and Fenno-Ugric research in the fields of literature, linguistics, history and cultural studies. The Department offers two study programs, Hungarian (since 1952) and Finnish (launched in the fall of 2007).

Both study programs in the Department of Hungarian Studies consist of five and a half years, divided in two stages, undergraduate (years 1–4, ending with a BA title, or licencjat) and graduate (the last three semesters, ending with an MA title, or magister).

The Department of Hungarian Studies has a library specializing in Hungarian and Fenno-Ugric Studies. Its collection is the largest one in Poland in these fields.

There are two students’ research groups in our department: the Research Group of Hungarology Students and the Fennistics Students’ Research Group “Majakka“.

Our staff’s teaching and research activities include cooperation with other faculties of the University of Warsaw as well as participation in international research projects. Our Department also participates in teaching exchange with foreign academic centres. This includes an exchange with the University of Loránd Eötvös at Budapest (Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, http://www.elte.hu) under an intergovernmental agreement, and several Erasmus exchanges with universities in Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Norway and Slovakia. The Department is also a partner to non-academic cultural institutions outside the University, such as the Institute of Hungarian Culture in Warsaw (Magyar Kulturális Intézet, http://www.magyarintezet.hu/varso), the Institute of Bálint Balassi (Balassi Bálint Intézet, http://www.bbi.hu) and the International Association of Hungarian Studies (Nemzetközi Magyarságtudományi Társaság, http://www.nmtt.hu/index.html).



00-311 Warszawa, ul. Browarna 8/10.

tel. 22/ 55 20 975, fax. 22/ 55 20 976

e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Secretary: room nr 2, tel. 22/ 55 20 975, fax. 22/ 55 20 976

Head of Faculty: room nr 3, tel.: 55 20 975

Teachers’ room: room nr 14, tel. 22/ 55 20 917

Library: room nr 5, tel. 22/ 55 20 960



Created with financial support

from EU Erasmus Programme.